Tournament Committee

The Tournament Committee (ToCo) organizes mix tournaments every season. All members can sign up and will be mixed, and they play games amongst each other. Additionally, the Tournament Committee is responsible for organizing GUMIT, i.e. Groene Uilen Moestasj International Tournament. This is an international basketball tournament that takes place every year at the end of May. This year GUMIT will take place from the 19th till the 21st of May 2023! The tournament usually has around 300 to 400 participants, that come from all over the Netherlands, but also from our neighbouring countries. For more information click here.

For questions or suggestions, please email (mixtournaments) or (GUMIT)

Tournament Committee '24-'25

Marien Riepma Chairman
Teun van Bommel -
Nina Kollen -
Eline van Esch -
Mees Verkoulen -
Jochem Joris Mulder -

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