Confidential Advisors and Complaints Committee

Confidental Advisors 

The confidental advisors of our association are Mayke Posthouwer and Lard de Jong. You can disclose confidential matters to the confidential advisers and they can possibly help you find a solution. They have a confidentiality obligation.

Below you can find their contact information. 

Mayke Posthouwer

E-mail address:

Phone number : +316 11502801

Lard de Jong

E-mail address:

Phone number: +316 21894578

Complaints committee

The complaints committee is an independent committee where you can submit a complaint as a member. The committee will judge whether the complaint is well-founded and give advice to the board about further handling. The complaints committee is not authorized to grant compensation. If you want to submit a complaint you can send an email to

Our sponsors